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The present Refugee Resettlement Program is proving dangerous for American's national security and personal safety. The government is spending your tax dollars to bring tens of thousands of mostly Sunni Muslims into our country. Look at Europe and most recently Nice, France. Wake up America!
This Day in History
Get started right away!
Join with your fellow Americans locally in order to protect your families and local communities. It’s time we got off our collective bums, and got out of the house, and confront our feckless government officials to make them stop the Refugee Resettlement Program.
So sign up now and get started right away with our first project.
Time to stop the importation of Muslim Refugees into our homeland at a time when Islam has declared war on the West.
We should not allow ourselves to make the same mistake that Europe has made by allowing a massive refugee immigration
We are bringing them here with our tax dollars.
This is taxation without representation on steroids.
Polling shows that 75% of Americans agree that the Muslim importation should be stopped.
Let’s stop it.
Get to work.
Time, as you know, is NOT on our side.
A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.
Take that first step now:
Precinct Strategy
Precinct Strategy
Every day, inch by inch, our Country moves to the left......smh.
Ken Harrelson released -- to halfway house.